Get real,
or get sued.
Compliance Score
A single numerical value to clarify risk. Crucially, the score removes the complexities, opinions and lack of independence in current reporting methods. It is an early warning for risk managers.
Risk Indication
Instantly understand your digital inclusivity position.
Compliance Score
The higher the score, the higher your litigation risk.
Check 3-things
For the biggest improvements in inclusion - start with the quick wins.
Check 3-things – make a world of difference
If 70% of the compliance challenge is starting and a major hurdle being the requirements themselves – Check 3-things is about removing the technicalities, focusing on actions that make immediate difference, and laying the foundations of a better online world for all.
If everyone, everywhere checked 3-things on their web pages – spending a few minutes on the changes they can influence, a significant proportion of the accessibility barriers would be removed and often unintentional discrimination is no more.
Forms are used on websites to collect information, for example, a telephone number in a contact form. Each field in a form requires a label. For users who require a screen-reader, form field labels enable them to understand the purpose of the form and what information is being requested.
No. | Name | Page label |
Link text is the text describes the link which goes to another webpage, document, video etc. Screen-readers read out the link to help those with limited vision to navigate the page. You shouldn't repeat the same text for differing links.
No. | Link text |
Site: | |
Date: |
Understanding risk
We report (based on a compliance score) ADA risk across website pages, aiming to raise awareness of the scale of the ADA problem, highlighting the potential exposure and providing a baseline against which improvements can been overseen and ensure accountability from service providers.
The lower the score (green is low, red is very high risk), the lower the exposure. For those scoring low (green) it's demonstrating to those living with disabilities, and their industry, that they are committed to inclusivity and are true to their D&I pledge.
Monthly performance example (available to AAAtraq subscribers)
Regardless of technicalities deployed to deliver compliant content – those managing risk need to be able to independently monitor the position. Digital / IT & vendors are charged with delivering compliance, a score provides monitoring and removes any ambiguities.