ADA compliance can only be achieved once organizations understand their risk (removing 'we are ok' compliancy) and stop repeatedly reacting by web fixing. A Risk Managed approach of assessment, removal of the cause of the failures and ongoing protection 'removes the risk' and ensures 'cost effective and ongoing' compliance is maintained.
Until there is unbiased assessment as to the level of risk - exposure to ADA litigation cannot be removed. Our reporting is independent and immediately understandable.
Once established accurate risk position our intelligence maps your compliance journey. Relevant tasks are assigned to ensure compliance is understood organization-wide, achieved 'once' and maintained.
Ultimate and ongoing protection comes from $50,000 of coverage - along with response automation in the event of external failure, human error impacting you. Our system removes the distraction and costs.
Immediate protection
The last 4 years has seen billions of dollars wasted on reacting to, and repeatedly fixing website issues.
Subscribe to AAAtraq and you are immediately protected and in control of ADA compliance. The system provides your own step-by-step plan to remove the underlying causes of failure, ensure you achieve compliance 'once' and maintaining it in the most cost effective way.

Continuous protection
ADA compliance is not a one-time requirement - it is also not the sole responsibility of the web / IT team (certainly they make corrections, those of a technical nature anyway). Something else is wrong if they are repeatedly correcting, IT / web people reacting and fixing is expensive, distracting and means there is ongoing catch-up. You never remove the risk, and you are continually, all be it unnecessarily, exposed.
The risk managed approach differs in that the risk can actually be removed (compliance requirements are defined and coverage protects you from malicious action or human error). The starting point is an unbiased view as to where you are, followed by defined actions to achieve compliance against and ongoing coverage (costs and claim response) to ensure you are always protected against mishap.
Too many have already been caught out by those who promise compliance in a day, guarantees of our service is xyz - one line of code etc. If you want hear it is all going to be easy, watch a Disney movie. Compliance means establishing solid foundations on which to build.
ADA coverage presently is sporadic, insured are uncertain as to levels of cover, deductibles - claims management and support. The costs of this, be it directly in payouts (or not) and indirectly (time and brand) need to brough under control, with a positive response being offered. One that removes the billions of dollars presently being wasted, demonstrates innovation and importantly removes today's unnecessary risk.
Assessment (FREE) Nothing's free - its not. The most expensive part (bar the 60 seconds to find out where you are really at), is the time taken to listen to all those who want to dismiss findings, prove why are results can't possibility be correct - or ultimately promise of things being much better with the next version. We stand by our results (after all we have over 3.6 trillion data points to map against) with up to $50,000 of coverage. If anyone else is saying 'you are ok', ask them for the same cover. |
Protection Subscribe to AAAtraq - no one will ever be immune to ADA failure, and subsequent risk - unless they are a subscriber to AAAtraq. We remove the risk by addressing the underlying reasons for failure, support organization on their compliance journey (intelligence driven by automation), that has been shown to reduce costs by up to 92%. |
Compliance pathway Getting started is 70% of the challenge - we make it much easier. We have been running compliance projects for 19 years - we combined our experience, proven methodologies and added in AI (we have the advantage of 3.6 trillion data points to map against), which allows us to offer the first risk based approach to ADA compliance. The system provides you with step-by-step tasks to ensure compliance is achieved and maintained. |
Confidence Taking control, having a defined path to follow removes the doubt, the uncertainty of what to do when. ADA compliance - today is like building compliance 30 years ago. Majority have websites akin to a building from the 1990's - there is not an option to ensure what you have, comes up to code. You can't use a building that doesn't meet standards - websites have to come up to standards - take control now or await litigation, ADA compliance isn't going away. |