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Digital Inclusion (ADA Compliance) - what is the starting point?
Organizations paying for third party services need their own independent auditing, reporting that is immediately understandable to assess compliance progress. Today self-sign-off by vendors and KPIs set by those doing the work is at the heart of ongoing compliance failures, continually wasting billions. Those responsible for paying, managing litigation also need they own alerting, ensure they are the first to be aware of exposure.
Why this is the challenge for the CFO, General Counsel, Head of Risk and the Board.
Oversight of improvement in experience, reduction of compliance risk - immediately understandable.
Report exampleWHY IS THIS OF VALUE?
Oversight of improvement in experience, reduction of compliance risk - immediately understandable.
CFO interview
Welcome to AAAtraq's Risk INDEX™ report.
AAAtraq’s Audit & Alert is the only data driven audit that offers a free, instant and impartial assessment of your website against the ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
Our aim is to raise awareness of the scale of the ADA problem and highlight the potential exposure to litigation.
Whether you have 1 or 10,000 websites, we offer independent clarity on your risk so you can ensure any compliant projects are money well spent.
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